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  • In the Central Plaza on Second Avenue in Manhattan, there were emulations of those concerts in benefits for musicians, who had played by the rules of the game and died broke.

    An Exchange on 'Jazz' Ducovny, Amram 2001

  • We had to go into the crowds in Central Plaza and back up the street to get to the nearest shops on Main Street.

    MousePlanet 2010

  • A short taxi ride and we were feeling very out of place outside Central Plaza awaiting Paul Hubbard Brown (PHB) to descend from the heights of commercial world to give a couple of backpackers a home. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at 2009

  • Moon Festival, a celebration of the Autumn equinox (also known as the Harvest Moon) held at the historic Central Plaza. 2008

  • By the time I got to the Central and West Plazas, on the northern edge of the neighborhood near the entrance to the 110 Freeway, I’d encountered plenty of the bi-level shopping centers and marketplaces—Bamboo Plaza, Dynasty Center, Far East Plaza—that filled in around New Chinatown in the decades following the momentous arrival of Central Plaza.

    American Chinatown Bonnie Tsui 2009

  • By the time I got to the Central and West Plazas, on the northern edge of the neighborhood near the entrance to the 110 Freeway, I’d encountered plenty of the bi-level shopping centers and marketplaces—Bamboo Plaza, Dynasty Center, Far East Plaza—that filled in around New Chinatown in the decades following the momentous arrival of Central Plaza.

    American Chinatown Bonnie Tsui 2009

  • By the time I got to the Central and West Plazas, on the northern edge of the neighborhood near the entrance to the 110 Freeway, I’d encountered plenty of the bi-level shopping centers and marketplaces—Bamboo Plaza, Dynasty Center, Far East Plaza—that filled in around New Chinatown in the decades following the momentous arrival of Central Plaza.

    American Chinatown Bonnie Tsui 2009

  • By the time I got to the Central and West Plazas, on the northern edge of the neighborhood near the entrance to the 110 Freeway, I’d encountered plenty of the bi-level shopping centers and marketplaces—Bamboo Plaza, Dynasty Center, Far East Plaza—that filled in around New Chinatown in the decades following the momentous arrival of Central Plaza.

    American Chinatown Bonnie Tsui 2009

  • By the time I got to the Central and West Plazas, on the northern edge of the neighborhood near the entrance to the 110 Freeway, I’d encountered plenty of the bi-level shopping centers and marketplaces—Bamboo Plaza, Dynasty Center, Far East Plaza—that filled in around New Chinatown in the decades following the momentous arrival of Central Plaza.

    American Chinatown Bonnie Tsui 2009

  • In addition to our daily Featured Game parties, we're bringing you an exclusive Valentine's event (complete with tons of rewards), a special SingStar V-Day-themed shindig, a SOCOM virtual item giveaway in the PlayStation Home Theater (because there's no better way to celebrate the release of the new SOCOM: Fire Team Bravo 3), Mardi Gras content (so you and your krewe can hit Central Plaza in style), and a super secret event taking place in the Central Plaza that you'll simply have to experience firsthand to believe.

    PS3 NEWS - PlayStation 3 News - PS3News - PS3 Games - PS3 Hacks - PS3 Homebrew PS3 News PS3NEWSCOM 19423 2010


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